Sunday, October 26, 2008

Doomsday Dream...

End of days

I was with my mother & brother.

A friend of mine was infected with a type of violent psychosis.

I recently learnt that he wants to kill me.
It seems his rage is targeted but for no clear reason.

One by one more people fall ill & threaten those around them.
The streets begin to flood with those looking for a cure.

A mystery van rolls into town and offers an expensive but tangible defence
available only for the rich or corrupt. They are a series of strange metallic objects that lend themselves more to confusion than any real solution, but are quickly stolen with an unnerving ease, as the gathering mob becomes restless.

We leave quickly and barracade our home for the impending chaos.

My vision is interjected with flashes of several seething pits of snakes, rats & cats
all fighting for survival. Striking. Biting. Clawing. Raping. Pillaging.
Not fighting to get free, but simply to destroy each other.
A vision of hellish desperation.
Then a large rare sabre-tooth breaks into the pit & ravenges them all.

Now my hunter has broken in and the fight breaks out. His eyes are red with a mix of hatred & fear. Scared not of me but of himself. With our mother in danger, my brother & I become ruthless, striking blows with lethal force to overpower him. Finally we pin him down to the concrete floor with a metal pole against his neck. Like kicking your own dog that’s turned against you... a sick feeling hits my stomach and remorse trys to break in.

Then as if someone whispered an antidote in his ear, his body loosened and slipped free of our grip. A team of agent like men and women enter the yard and capture him with no struggle. His eyes turn to face me and I see my old friend once again through spilling tears. A silent understanding of sorry is exchanged with no malice for each other, only the situation, as I follow them to the street.

The agents begin to examine my fingernails to check for infection, but swiftly move on.
My brother is not so lucky and is taken away before I’ve realised what was happening.

No answers only emptiness.

I’m torn back to a vision of the victorious beast. He wanders where the woods meet the city. Time has passed and his family has grown to many. I don’t fear they will hurt me, but am unnerved by their presence. Soon they will learn to walk on two legs.

As mum & I walk back to the house, a man with a purse made from two leather hearts follows me. His look seeks refuge, but I cannot risk all that I have left to give him shelter.

I bid him good luck...

and shut the door.


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